Ghost Bunker Escape 2

Ghost Bunker Escape 2

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Gongtats Games Room Escape Games 0

Ghost Bunker Escape 2


Arthur was finally ready to embark on the challenge that his late grandfather had left for him. As the first-born grandson, it was his rightful duty to take on the task. The challenge involved an old barn situated near their family home, which concealed a secret passage leading to an underground bunker. There, Arthur would discover 45 star-like objects that he must collect. However, if he failed to find them all, he would be trapped in the bunker forever. It all seemed straightforward enough, but there was a catch. The bunker was plagued by supernatural beings beyond just ghosts. Arthur was apprehensive, but he knew he had to complete the task. He asked himself, "Escape players, imagine you are with me here, will we be able to gather all 45 stars in that bunker and escape unscathed? It almost sounds too good to be true, but perhaps it will be a smooth adventure."


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